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Market insights and articles we found interesting

Every day at Clayline Wealth we read news and articles from a wide range of sources. Below are some of the highlights that we think might help you in your financial choices. If you have any questions about the content in them, please contact us, we are happy to help.

We also regularly post links on Twitter to articles we find interesting. 

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iA Private Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, September 2021

Stocks around the world continued to rally in August, as momentum from the global reopening grew stronger. Despite the delta variant spreading in various regions and daily cases picking up, investor enthusiasm did not waver with major equity indexes continuing to hit new all-time highs during the month. Stocks were given an extra boost in the month’s final days as Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell made dovish comments at the Jackson Hole symposium, stressing a commitment to support the economy for as long as it is needed.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
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iA Private Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, August 2021

Equity market volatility ramped up in July, as concerns about a fourth wave driven by the spread of the more contagious Delta variant tempered investor enthusiasm. Despite COVID-19 cases rising and public health authorities recommending the reintroduction of restrictive measures, stocks continued to trend upwards with North American equity indices reaching new all-time highs during the month.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
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iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshots, June 2021

Canada’s main stock market index reached record highs in May, with investor sentiment heightened by strong economic data and an improved growth outlook as COVID-19 vaccinations accelerated across the country. Meanwhile, other equity markets were constrained by lingering inflation concerns and surges in virus cases in various parts of the world.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
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iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, May 2021

The momentum behind Q1’s robust equity market rally continued in April and helped push major stock benchmarks to record highs. A surplus of positive economic and corporate data fuelled investor optimism throughout the month. This was somewhat offset by lingering inflation concerns and a growing tally of virus cases around the globe. By the end of the month, however, almost all major equity indices we follow were higher.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots
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iA Wealth Monthly Market Snapshot, April 2021

March capped off a strong first quarter for stocks, with major equity benchmarks hitting record highs during the quarter’s final month. Investor optimism during the quarter was buoyed by successful vaccination rollouts around the globe. However, fears of higher inflation and the possibility of accelerated policy tightening led to rising bond yields and weaker stock prices midway through the quarter.

IA Private Wealth Snapshots