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You only get one retirement. Make it a great one.

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Independent Portfolio Management services and financial coaching for Albertan families and businesses.

We fiercely believe that we must put our clients first. To support you in achieving your goals we need to be independent, fiduciary and great financial coaches. 

Independent & Fiduciary

Our fee structure aligns with your interests not against them. We have no performance bonus based on how many in house products we sell. We are fiduciaries that by law must put your interest ahead of our own. We wish this was the standard in the industry, but the reality is not all advisors have their clients’ interest at heart.

Financial Coaches

Achieving your financial goals is caused by more than investment decisions. Success also happens because of a long series of choices you make, some obviously big, some seemingly small. Our clients know they have someone they can always call for advice. From saving a client from a time-share sale fraud to estate planning, we are there with the answers.

  • Provide one on one coaching for all financial decisions big and small
  • Choose from the total universe of investments without bias
  • As a Portfolio Manager, I proactively manage the risk and strategy of all our discretionary client accounts
  • Build a financial projection with you so you have a road map to your future

  • Recommend proprietary investments because of a bonus or quota system
  • Have you meet with a total stranger each time you visit
  • Watch your life savings melt in the market while doing nothing
  • Leave you searching the internet for answers to financial questions

Confidence in your future comes from clearly understanding your path forward

Ensuring you get there

“How do I achieve the retirement of my dreams?” is a question we hear every week. However, many of them have never really sat down and considered what that dream looks like. What do you want your retirement to look like? Are you on the same page as your spouse? How can you meld your vision with your financial circumstances? Once we get through these core questions, we then move forward to more concrete decisions like should I buy or rent, take CPP early and, how much risk makes sense for me? We work with you as a coach to give you confidence in your choices and a clear path to your goal. When our clients turn the lights off, they are dreaming of the retirement they have planned, not lying awake worried about the retirement they may end up with. Conflict free advice is always just a phone call away.

Coaching and support is part of the DNA at Clayline Wealth. For 25 years Clayline Wealth hosted a weekly radio show offering advice to thousands of Albertans.  We also bring years of experience teaching at the University of Alberta, York University and others. In 2018 the long legacy of the radio show was ended to allow us to transition to a new digital strategy so we can more effectively support you and anyone looking for confidence in their financial future.

Financial planning shouldn’t be just a document – it should be a process. It is an ongoing relationship between you and your advisor to ensure that you make informed decisions throughout the years. Achieving your goals is not about a document, it is a long series of decisions, some large, most small that all combine to get you there. The road of life is full of many twists and turns, so we ensure your financial projection is flexible and up to date. We are there to help you all year long for the big and seemly small choices.

Strategic Investing

Investing has changed, has your strategy changed with it?

Our approach is simple but profound it is based on a series of questions that go into every investment decision. 

  • What is your ideal long term asset allocation and risk tolerance?
  • Do current market conditions favor temporarily adjusting that allocation?
  • Where are we in the current economic cycle?
  • If we buy equities / fixed income what regions of the world are projected to do best?
  • What sectors / categories within those regions are projected to do best?
  • What investments from any source best capture those themes: stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Active investments, passive investments ….?

Independent, fiduciary and conflict free, a Portfolio Manager putting your future first.

If there was a sudden change in market conditions, which required a change to your portfolio, how long would it take for your current advisor to call you? How many other clients would be called and adjusted before you? Will they even call you?

With Clayline Wealth you can have a personal Portfolio Manager working with you to achieve your financial goals. After extensive education and licensing requirements, Portfolio Managers are able to trade accounts without having you sign or approve each individual transaction. We are able to quickly and confidently react to market conditions to ensure you receive the best advice and service. As a Portfolio Manager I adjust all of our managed accounts at once. You will get the same purchase price and sale price, regardless of portfolio size, as every other investor in that strategy.

At Clayline Wealth "team" and "coaching" are more than words, they are beliefs. We operate as a team everyday to ensure you have the broad range of support you need. Sometimes we even need to reach outside of our staff to find you the specialized support you need. 

Scott Bullis Photo Scott Bullis Hover Photo

Scott Bullis

Portfolio Manager
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Scott Bullis brings a wide range of skills to the team.  As well as having an MBA in finance (Ivey - University of Western Ontario), he has an engineering degree ( Queen's University) and has held both Professional Engineer and Project Management Professional designations. He has taught a range of business courses at the University of Alberta (Edmonton), York University (Toronto) and Thompson Rivers University (Kamloops) in the areas of Family Business, Small Business Management,  Marketing and Strategy.

Before becoming an advisor, Scott held senior roles in a silicon valley during the dot com boom, ran a 450 person offshore engineering firm and was a director of Canada's National Quality Institute. This background helps him understand the challenges faced by business owners of all sizes. It also explains the process and quality driven focus of Clayline Wealth. 

Scott is a fully licensed Portfolio Manager. He holds both the CIM (Chartered Investment Manager) and PM (Portfolio Manager) designations. Since 2012 he has also been a Sessional Instructor at the University of Alberta's School of Business in the Strategic Management and Organization Department. 

He is married to an amazing wife and has a star daughter. He is also an active curler and dragon boat paddler. When not at the office he can be found carefully crafting a latte or watching his beloved Denver Broncos (yes even in the tough seasons).

Designations & Licenses:

PM (Portfolio Manager) - IA Private Wealth

CIM®   (Chartered Investment Manager)

Lisa Givens Photo Lisa Givens Hover Photo

Lisa Givens

Associate Investment Advisor
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Since starting with Clayline Wealth in 2002, Lisa has become the first call for most clients. Whether it is the simplest account requests, or complex tax slip questions Lisa is known for quick answers and an infectious chuckle. During her period with the team, she quickly rose to Associate Investment Advisor and has become the first person anyone in the branch goes to with questions.

Lisa's background includes years working in the restaurant industry and fine food remains a passion. From cooking / baking to intricate cake decoration she remains a foodie. She is active in her community including having served as her condo board President.

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Whether it is a review of your existing portfolio, or a question on how to move forward. Reach out to us and find the difference an independent Portfolio Manager can make to your financial future.